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(J.W. von Goethe)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832
Dr Volkhard Wehner is a historian and linguist, and a former librarian and horticulturist. After university studies in Germany and Australia and a career as a librarian at the National Library of Australia and at Monash University, several years as a lecturer at RMIT, horticultural studies at Burnley College, work as a part-time horticulturist in the Dandenongs near Melbourne, and postgraduate studies at the University of Melbourne leading to a doctorate in History, he now freelances as a writer and publisher.
Main Interests
- local history (Melbourne, Dandenong Ranges, Victoria in general)
- the history of German settlers and settlements in Victoria prior to World War II
- the lives of notable German-Australians
- Australian art and artists
- Australian gardens and garden designers
- the history of World War I and Australia’s involvement
- the history of rural settlement in Victoria
- immigration history.
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